Surgical Liposuction, Truth and Myths!
Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgery that consists of making small incisions of 0.5-1 cm through which cannulas are inserted that will infiltrate a special serum after which fat tissue will be suctioned. The gold standard is laser liposuction.
What else does laser liposuction bring:
It melts away the remaining fat tissue after traditional liposuction, leveling the area. It coagulates blood capillaries, greatly reducing bruising after liposuction. Vaporizes water, reducing post-liposuction edema. Tightens excess skin resulting from fat removal, helping to achieve a very good aesthetic result. Prior to liposuction surgery, a stable weight for the last 6 months is recommended, with no changes of more than 2 kg.
How will I look after liposuction?
After liposuction, in the first days, the treated area may be more or less swollen, may present bruising and may appear pain of different intensity, all this depending on the chosen technique, if the liposuction laser is used or not. The use of the laser will minimise all these postoperative signs and symptoms. Also, the area will be numb, this is not influenced by the laser and can persist for months.
Post-procedure, lymphatic drainage is recommended to eliminate oedema and restore lymphatic circulation.
Wearing a corset is mandatory for 2 months.
When are the final results visible?
The real results start to be seen after 3 months and the final results will be seen after 9-12 months, which is the time needed to restore lymph circulation.
Is the result of liposuction definitive?
The result is definitive if the recommendations are followed. Liposuction means the removal of a number of fat cells, DEFINITELY. For example, you have 10,000,000 fat cells in your body, of which 3,000,000 are in your abdomen. When we get fat, these cells increase in volume by accumulating cholesterol and fatty acids in the cell. During abdominal liposuction, of the 3,000,000 fat cells, we remove say 2,500,000. But if, after liposuction, you eat more calories than you consume, then the excess fat will be deposited in the remaining adipocytes, which means that you can gain more weight in other areas where liposuction was not performed. So, it is NECESSARY, that after the surgery you have a balanced diet, not to get fat.
When can I resume physical activities after liposuction?
Current physical activities can be resumed in 2-3 days if the lipolaser is used, and going to the gym after about 2-3 weeks.
Is there a risk of death from liposuction?
If the patient is properly investigated before the operation and the operation is done correctly, NO.
The only area at risk of major complications is the abdomen. That is why it is mandatory to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal wall before the operation, so that the identification of hernias or eventrations contraindicates liposuction. On other areas, such as thighs or arms, there are no major risks. The main complications that can occur are infections and haematomas, which is why antibiotics are administered and liposuction laser is recommended.
Risk groups are: diabetics, patients with coagulation disorders, autoimmune diseases.
Conclusion :Â after liposuction surgery, in the first days, because of oedema, you will not look as you hoped and you need to be patient to start seeing results. After the operation you must be careful not to overeat and gain weight. The results will be seen at least one month after the operation.